لن أعيش في جلباب زوجتي-I will not live in my wife’s robes

I will not live in my wife’s robes, a Kuwaiti play that was shown in 1997. It discusses marital problems and women’s power over the husband. It was shown at Al-Jazeera Theater in the State of Kuwait. The play’s songs are written by Saher and composed by Rashid Al-Khader.

I will not live in my wife’s robes
Artistic genre comic comic
The author is Muhammad Al-Rashoud
Premiere November 19, 1997
Country of origin Kuwait
Offered in Kuwait
Produced by Mohammed Al Rashoud – Al Jazeera Theatre
Take out the quick rescuer
Abd Al Nasser Darwish
Tariq Al-Ali
Hassan Al-Balam
Ahmed Salman
Arafat flower
the show length
3 hours 40 minutes

Category: Comedy, GCC Plays

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